Episode 148

The Empowerment of Holy Spirit | Duncan Smith

Published on: 22nd May, 2024
We had a powerful Pentecost Sunday with a wonderful message from Senior Leader, Duncan Smith, on “The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit.” While religion often focuses on what we can do for God, Christianity is about what God has done for us, particularly through Jesus’s sacrifice and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Drawing on John 7:37-39, Smith highlights Jesus’ promise that believers would be filled with "rivers of living water," symbolizing the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ death and resurrection provides believers with the Holy Spirit, enabling us to live in union with Christ and perform acts empowered by the same Spirit. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, which can be likened to new wine that requires new wineskins. This emphasizes transformation and renewal. Embrace this empowerment and allow it to visibly change your lives and witness.
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Catch The Fire Church Raleigh
We are a community of believers, birthed out of the Toronto revival who are hungry for a living experience of God, His love, and His presence. We are actively pursuing personal and corporate revival that brings transformation to our lives, families, spheres of influence, and ultimately our city and region. For more info, visit: www.ctfraleigh.com