Episode 145

The Necessity of the Holy Spirit | Aaron Ninaber

Published on: 30th April, 2024
This week Pastor Aaron kicked off our new sermon series, Pneuma. His sermon, “The Necessity of the Holy Spirit” highlights the indispensable role of the Holy Spirit in every believer. In John 16, we see the kindness of Jesus to reassure His disciples that though he had to leave this earth, it was necessary so that the Helper could come. For the Spirit to descend, the Son must ascend. Holy Spirit is not merely a presence, but a person, a close friend who understands us deeply. He was sent for you and I as the body of Christ, but also for us as individuals to guide us, empower us, and reveal truth. The friendship of the Holy Spirit is necessary to our faith, and we have an open invitation to encounter Him throughout our every day lives.
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Catch The Fire Church Raleigh
We are a community of believers, birthed out of the Toronto revival who are hungry for a living experience of God, His love, and His presence. We are actively pursuing personal and corporate revival that brings transformation to our lives, families, spheres of influence, and ultimately our city and region. For more info, visit: www.ctfraleigh.com